Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Sunday, December 10, 2006

No bull. Just fundraising.

Thanks to you who voted for this humble blog in the recent Fast Company and Chronicle of Philanthropy “Best of Giving Blogs” awards. Maybe I should have shown a bit more leg? Do you think Tinsley Mortimer is available for consultations? Oh well, maybe next year. But seriously, congrates to Lucy and Jeff for their well deserved place on both lists. How they and Will find the time to create such great blogs -- yet alone hold down day jobs and families -- is beyond me. Kudos.

Now if I had been asked, one of my votes would have gone to Jeff Trexler of 4nonprofits, which is at the top of my blogroll. (Okay, it is in alphabetical order.) Here's an advocate of corporate social responsiblity, who is not afraid to examine if today's CSR jargon is BS or not. An expert in nonprofit law, he's very good at separating the wheat from the chaff, while keeping it fun. We're all very lucky he's teaching our next generation of leaders. Though clearly, if he doesn't understand why Johnny Depp pulls in bigger bucks than Jack Bower, he's still got some schooling to do himself.

All these recognitions are just one sign that philanthropy blogs are coming of age. Another is that court plaintiffs are now fighting out their cases out amongst us. Another is the Blogging for Chickens campaign got the nod for one the year's best Internet Marketing for a Cause Awards. It raised $830.



At 6:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are at the top of my favorite blogs list.

At 6:38 PM , Blogger Gayle said...

Thank you, the feelings mutual.


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