Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Welcome Singapore, Dhahran and Sweetham

If you are a returning visitor, you'll notice I spent Thanksgiving weekend updating the look and feel of this blog. For I only became aware recently that over half the known universe -- anyone running Internet Explorer -- could not read the old layout properly. Ugh.

Apparently, the problem stems from the fact that Explorer isn't a "standards-compliant browser," which means it sometimes has difficulty reading Blogger CSS pages. A random search through other Blogger sites reveals that is a very common problem.

Though in a past life I used to be a desktop publisher -- was even a newspaper publisher for a few years -- I never really learned web design, so much of this is simply foreign to me. But after many attempted work arounds, it seemed like the best option was to simply redesign this blog from scratch.

In the process I added a few widgets, including a simple link for bookmarking posts to and an email subscription option. Also, finally got around to upgraded my tracking service to Google Analytics, which my left-brain is really going to enjoy. Seems that the first visitor it tracked was from Singapore, followed shortly after by users from Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and Sweetenham, England. Welcome one and all!

So if you are a visitor from somewhere between San Francisco and Singapore, who cannot still view this humble little blog correctly, could you please let me know? Many thanks!



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