Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Saturday, November 18, 2006

On Phil Cubeta and the moral education of fundraisers

Fundraisers are among the most generous, compassionate and giving individuals I know. We are also, by and large, a bunch of sycophants. There's nothing quite like a room with a couple funders surrounded a large pack of hungry Development Directors -- talk about a lesson in moral education.

That's why fundraising blog maven Philip Cubeta's writing is such a constant breath of fresh air. He understands his place in Wealth Bondage, and unlike so many is not afraid to speak. A self-proclaimed Morals Tutor to America's wealthiest families, I wonder if the true target of his efforts is not us, dear readers?

The biggest news in philanthropy this past week has been the Slate 60 Conference and Philanthropy Series, a gathering of the world's 150 wealthiest donors hosted by Slate Magazine and the William J. Clinton Foundation. While the trend maybe to fawn over the ongoing leveraged buyout of the social sector, Phil questions here, here, here and here whether the emperor is wearing any clothes at all.

Though my recent entry into the blogosphere has not been without anxiety and angst, I take great comfort in knowing that through wit and wisdom, satire and praise, Phil's multiple outlets, including Gift Hub and The World We Want, have become among the most heavily visited fundraising blogs. There is hope for us still.



At 6:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gail, thank you, that is the most encouraging comment I have received in many years of blogging. You are actually the first person ever to connect the three sites and see the underlying message. I am writing as a sychophant for my colleagues. Self-therapy. As the Happy Tutor would say, "Whatever you have done, I have done worse, and for less money."

At 9:43 AM , Blogger Gayle said...

Hey Phil,

What little praise I have to give you is well deserved, and in return am very flattered indeed by your attention.

I must say, your triumphant of sites at first confounded me, but I have come to agree with Glauco who has written on White Courtesy Telephone:

"Forty years from now, as I lie on my deathbed, I’ll clutch to my sagging pectorals the two-volume definitive history of the Blogosphere in which the Happy Tutor will rate a footnote, and Daily Kos and Michelle F***ing Malkin will each get a chapter. As usual, the authors will have gotten it all wrong, focusing on the banal and missing entirely what is True, and Beautiful, and Just."


At 1:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really deserve a praise


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