Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Thursday, November 16, 2006

We interupt this message to give thanks

Just wanted to take a break from the random fundraising posts to give thanks to all of you who read, comment, subscribe or have linked in to this little blog. Here's a big hug of thanks!

Particularly want to give a shout out to the good folks at Charity 2.0 Blog Network, who highlighted this site last week:
"And, when it comes to the topic of philanthropy, the Internet just runs rife with any view, topic or stance. One of our favourites at CBN, is the Fundraising for Nonprofits by Gayle Roberts. Working as a professional Fundraising counselor in California, she helps people 'connect their values to the causes that matter to them…' As you can imagine, she knows what she’s talking about, and she doesn’t mince words. Her approach is direct and in a world that seems to be getting more convoluted by the minute, that’s pretty refreshing."
As someone who is still very new to the blogosphere, I have so much more to learn about this new venue, but it feels very good to have my initial efforts recognized. If anybody else has comments about what they like, or what could be done better here, I would love to hear from you too!



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