Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I report. You decide.

According to the Wall Street Journal, there is a growing trend amongst some nonprofits to ask their benefactors to sign prenuptial agreements, but it seems some donors are threatening to take their bad debts elsewhere. Fortunately, children everywhere can continue to count on the biggest philanthropist of them all, Santa, who came through on his pledge to raise a few dollars for charity (and a can of beer).

Speaking of Wall Street, as more nonprofits are putting their faith in the stock market and more businesses are putting their faith in nonprofits, it seems more grifters are putting their hand in the cookie jar. Perhaps they should all be investing in real estate?

Was saddened to learn recently that not everyone loved Oprah's recent Pay it Forward challenge -- including the majority of her audience participants -- but most of her viewers still do. I wonder, how big will virtual volunteering become? And have you heard about the new viral fundraising campaign asking cat owners to stop buying their pets advent calendars?

Finally, at the recent Nackey S. Loeb First Amendment Award Dinner, Newt Gingrich called for a new set of rules to control free speech on the Internet in order to quell possible dissent before it happens. The Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives reports he is contemplating running for President. I guess peace is still too controversial.



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