Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

All the philanthropy that's fit to print

Did you hear about Audrey Hepburn's iconic black dress from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's? It fetched over nine hundred thousand dollars at a recent charity auction. "A model displaying an imitation of the famous dress, complete with pearls, but bare of the gamine charm and elegance of the Belgian-British actress, kept her composure throughout tense proceedings."

Holly GoLightly I'm sure would have been aghast to learn galas aren't necessarily the best way to raise money. Wonder how they compare to nearly naked fundraising? Say, why is there no good fundriasing wiki on the net? Maybe you could change that?

At least Darth Vadar is not the only one who's unafraid of exploring the shadow side of philanthropy. And think about it, Batman's "escapades would never have been possible in the first place if there had been an estate tax." Tell that to Warren Buffett!



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