Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Sunday, April 06, 2008

So the Pope emailed me asking for help raising money

Last month I received a very flattering email from a Vatican fundraiser inviting me out to lunch. Said he was being relocated from Rome to San Francisco. Wondered if I could provide him “fundraising advice for seeking major gift donors and capacity building for several agencies in the Bay Area and West Coast,” as well as “explore mutual areas of opportunity.”

Wow, talk about the power of online branding. First, I received a call from a Noble Prize nominee and now the Pope! Who could be next? Bono?

To say I was surprised is a huge understatement! Most groups I work with have budgets of a few million dollars, not the billions under the purview of his Italian employers.

I consider myself a spiritual person, and am grateful to have worked with groups of different faiths in the past, and hope to do so again in the future. However, as someone who identifies as queer and a feminist, I make a distinction between working with organizations that are supportive or neutral on issues of LGBT equality and women’s rights, and those that oppose them. Therefore, I thought there might be others who might be a better match with his needs and values. So rather than meet with him in person, I provided him referrals to several other skilled Bay Area professionals.

In retrospect, I wish I had responded differently. For it was not like he was asking to “get married,” it was only a request for a “first date.” Rather than immediately declining his invitation, I wish I had simply disclosed my identity and beliefs, and let him decide if he would still like to share a meal. Because while I might not ultimately be the best person to provide him advice, I would like to hope that we could still be colleagues. More importantly, I missed the opportunity to learn more about him and the Catholic Church -- and myself as well.

When practiced mindfully, fundraising can teach us to move through the world with more grace. Points of resistance can often be our greatest teacher. For example, exploring why volunteer solicitors often do not follow through on their commitments can begin to help release them from their own internal fears of money, power and privilege.

In this case, after some reflection I realized two important points. One, I still have some lingering fears about being judged by others. I’m not Catholic, but there was something about a prospective meeting with the Pope’s proxy that I found intimidating. Simply stating this without judgment is the first step toward removing this barrier.

Secondly, my values are important guideposts. However, they become roadblocks when they become inflexible and absolute. If the role of a development professional is to cultivate relationships between individuals and institutions based on shared values, than we must be the first to seek common ground with others.

I have no illusions that if I had acted differently my efforts would have changed the Church’s positions on important issues that I value. However, is not breaking bread together the first step toward creating peaceful change in the world? If we are to ask others to change on our behalf, must we also be willing to do so ourselves?

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At 3:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gayle, this is a refreshingly honest post. I imagine you may have still referred the person to another consultant, but as you said it would have been a learning opportunity for both of you. We all do/say things that we'd like to change in retrospect. Thanks for encouraging us to learn from our experiences and be open to dialogue with others, even of differing positions.

At 4:33 PM , Blogger Gayle said...

Thanks for the supportive words Sandra, much appreciated.

At 4:37 PM , Blogger staystrong said...

I'm so quick to make snap judgments about people, which moves me away from the possibility of real dialogue. I do it all the time. Thanks for being so candid and open -- your story is a wake up call and reminder.

At 7:06 AM , Blogger MissyforPaddy said...

The pope supports sexual abuse of boys...see and Survival Network of those Abused by Priests. Victims have been revictimized and murdered to prevent them from talking. There is a case of Rev. Coover coming up in NH in Feb. Here Ed Arsenault places dead birds with their heads cut off at victims homes, and homes of women like me who tell the truth. The Italian mafia banks its money at the Vatican Bank. The pope doesn't need money.

If you want to help someone, help a victim through flashbacks, regression, substance abuse, impulsivity. Any questions....write me at

At 7:18 AM , Blogger MissyforPaddy said...

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At 8:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear sir
l am writing this friendly letter because l want to tell you can you please help me raise money for my daugther angela mejia she is 12 year old and she belong to a swim team. she want to travel to austria to represent her country u.s in the swim team but we do not have the to make it happen. can you please my family. juanita mejia 718-432-6226 if the lord lead you to help us do so other wise god bless you/


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