Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Monday, March 03, 2008

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to give thanks

Given that my posting schedule this new year has been somewhat remiss, I was quite surprised to learn that this blog was recently highlighted on three of the most influential fundraising blogs: Donor Power Blog, Don't Tell the Donor, and The Chronicle of Philanthropy's Give and Take. So pardon me while I send out a big virtual hug of thanks to bloggers Jeff Brooks, A Fundraiser and Ian Wilhelm!

The first two commentators both found value in my post Everything you know about fundraising is wrong. Jeff wrote that, "If you don't see fundraising that way, you're missing something that will increase your joy in your job -- and your effectiveness." While A.F. wrote, "Gayle Roberts proves (once again) that she is one of the most inspirational fundraisers in the business today." All I can say is, "Wow."

Over on Give and Take, Ian linked back to my most recent post, noting that a "good metaphor can be crucial to garnering supporters."

One the most important jobs we have as fundraisers is to help people to believe in themselves. We do this by simply reminding them that, "Yes, you can." To have three of my peers say that to me inspires me to return to a more regular blog posting schedule. In fact, I'm already drafting my next missive tentatively called, "So the Pope emailed me asking for help raising money." True story. Stay tune for details.



At 8:17 AM , Blogger DTex said...

Gayle, congrats on getting these quality plugs. It's no surprise -- your blog is a phenomenal resource!

At 10:38 AM , Blogger Gayle said...

Thanks sweetie, I really appreciate your support.

At 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:56 PM , Blogger Campbell said...

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