Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Humble lessons from an early morning blogger

When I started this blog, a little over a year ago, I thought of it originally as a marketing device. However, over time I have come to think of it more as a personal development tool. Writing forces me to think more clearly about my work and what I believe, while learning from other bloggers in order to stay relevant.

Today’s Thought Leaders are bloggers. Most of my fundraising peers, because of the daily demands of jobs and lives, are unaware of the fundamental changes happening in our industry. Without more intentional engagement and professional training, I fear in ten years the world will have passed many of us by. Posting on this blog, and more importantly, reading other blogs and commenting on them, is one way I keep current.

One side effect of viewing blogging as a personal development tool is that over time it has actually become an effective marketing device. Last week I used the Online Identity Calculator to see how I ranked. It gave me a 10 out of a 10 for effectiveness!

A Google search on my name brings up nearly 5,000 hits. Amazingly, the first 3 are actually about me, with 2 links to my website and 1 to my LinkedIn profile. Fifteen of the top thirty are also about me, and each listings is about my professional career as a fundraiser. Nearly all are blog posts, either one’s I wrote or one’s other bloggers wrote about me. This makes sense. Blogs are regularly updated and contain a lot of in- and out-links, so Google loves them. Clearly, writing a blog is one of the best things you can do to manage your online identity.

Not everyone needs a blog, just as not everyone needs a website. However, if you’re going to build a website, today there is no reason it shouldn’t include a blog, or better yet, be primarily a blog. There are many online services -- such as Blogger, WordPress or Weebly -- that are free and easy to use. If you haven’t started a blog, but are tempted, my best advice would be to first become a reader of other blogs. Google Reader is a good tool to use.

Having said that, I will humbly offer two caveats. First, blogging can become a black hole on your time. Set definite time limits and structure it into your activities like any other regular weekly task.

Second, this is still a secondary marketing strategy. Like advertising or public relations, it is hard to focus. Traditional off-line networking activities -- such as keeping in touch with past clients, cultivating relationships with other consultants and joining local associations -- is still the best marketing strategy for an independent consultant like myself.

Today my blog subscriber and readership base is still relatively small. Currently I have 141 subscribers, and daily visitors are measured in the dozens. However, I feel so lucky that each one of you has taken the time away from your busy schedule to read my words. Some of you are even from the other side of the world! For example, Francesco, Ioana and Daniele are three Italian fundraisers doing great work. Our recent connection may never result in a gig, but my life is much richer for it.

In fact, the presence of each of you reading this post today is a gift. Thank you so much for all you bring into the world.

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At 7:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Gayle: thank you! Your words are really nice and "real". I've red the home page of your web site: I feel the same thing about fundraising and it's really great that million of miles are irrelevant about our wonderful job! This make me think that we have a big opportunity to do something special for our little world! Fundraising as social change, as causes that need to have the best support, as joy of giving... Pure Empathy!
Bye, Francesco
ps: sorry for my english...

At 8:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi gayle,
i would like to thank you for your words and tell you that a new blog on fundraising was born:


At 10:21 AM , Blogger Gayle said...

Daniele e Francesco Benvenuti!

Grazie tanto per i tuoi commenti e la partecipazione qui su questo blog di poco. Sono lieto di apprendere che ci sono altri in tutto il mondo che credono in fondi per il cambiamento sociale e di promuovere la gioia di dare.

Ama il tuo nuovo blog. Sì, solo Harry Potter è una bacchetta magica. Per il resto di noi, non vi è onesto e onorato lavoro da fare. Cerchiamo di andare avanti, un giorno, uno dei donatori in un momento.

La pace,

At 6:32 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Gayle,
I'd like to thank you for having written about me, Daniele and Francesco. I think you are doing a great work for our job.
I also want to thank you for the work you give me about a strategy on a legacy campaign. if only everyone would share his/her knowledge about his/her job...what a great world would be!
best regards,


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