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Friday, September 21, 2007

Peace, one day at a time

Please join with me, and millions of others around the world today, in dedicating this 1 day out of 365 to peace. Sound a little overwhelming? Perhaps you can find inspiration in these commitments your neighbors have made?

  • Bryony, 13, United Kingdom. I will say sorry to everyone I have ever hurt.
  • Allyssia Atkinson, 23, Canada. I will forgive myself for everything.
  • Roberto, 20, Brazil. I will not let fear beat love.
  • Kelly, 18, United States. I will write a letter to an old friend to show I love them.
  • David Deslauriers 30, Canada. I will surprise my wife for being great.
  • Omar Hisham Taha, 13, Egypt. I will help a lot of poor people.
  • Thomas Lewis, 23, Canada. I will show younger children right from wrong.
  • Brittney Gibbons, 21. United States. I will smile at everyone all day.
  • Micah Sewell, 23. United States. I will plant a tree for the world to make a fresh start.
  • Rupert Sutton, 60, Greece. I will paint a picture today that symbolizes peace.
  • John, 17, United States. I will not make fun of somebody because of the way they are.
  • Ed, 17, United States. I will say "I love you" to my father because I should.
  • Amin, 41, Iran. I will not invade any country for peace.



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