Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Monday, September 24, 2007

Radio, podcasting and fundraising, they go good together

A belated shout out of thanks to Dr. Stephen L. Goldstein and Sean Stannard-Stockton. I was interviewed on Stephen’s radio show and podcast, Fundraising Success, earlier this month. Sean asked me to pinch-hit for him when other duties called him a way at the last minute. Really enjoyed my chat with Stephen on the joy of fundraising and other topics. If you want to take a listen, my 10-minutes of fame starts at a little before 29 minutes into the cast. (Note to self, when you're excited and nervous, remember to breath.)

For those of you who have not yet discovered this podcast, I would encourage you to subscribe. This weekly, 1-hour show is professionally produced out of the studios of WXEL, south Florida’s public radio station. Stephen has smartly put together pool of regular experts and special guests, many of whom are among today’s leading bloggers. In addition to Sean from Tactical Philanthropy, other regulars include Beth Kanter of Beth’s Blog and Peter Panepento of Give and Take. The show I was on also featured Michael Weinholtz and Jennifer Mayhew of CompHealth, Stephen Rockwell of Management Consulting Services and show regular Jesse Carter from ProfitQuests.

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At 9:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm excited to hear about Fundraising Sucess and your interview on the show, but where's the RSS feed? I followed the link to the site and checked out the blog for the "WXEL Podcasts" but found no subscription feeds! A podcast is not a podcast if you can't subscribe via RSS and a podcatcher.
I'll try to leave a message for WXEL too.

At 9:01 AM , Blogger Gayle said...


Corrected the link in my post. Just click on "take a listen" and you'll be delivered right to my cast. The link I had before went to the show description, not the RSS feed. Whoops!


At 12:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link! And Corey, will forward you note over to Stephen.


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