Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Apologies for the old posts showing up in the blog RSS feed

For those of you who are subscribed to the RSS feed of this blog, you may be confused by the random, out-of-date posts that have been recently showing up in your reader or email inbox. You are not alone. For the two months, I have had nothing but troubles with the Blogger software used to power this blog.

98 times out of a 100 when I try to publish a post nothing happens. This is actually the first post I've even attempted to publish in a month. When Blogger will decide to actually post it to the web is anyone's guest. Why 3 random old posts have appeared in the external feed during this last month is simply beyond me.

My plan is to eventually migrate this blog over to WordPress. I'm not technically minded, so a friend is helping with that. Apparently, there have been some glitches with this as well. Ugh.

All of which is to say, thank you for your patience. Hopefully this situation will be rectified shortly, and you will soon be able to return to you normally scheduled programming.



At 4:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out for more information on fundraisers in the Minnesota/Wisconsin area! We have a number of different products and offer an automated system that promotes resale!!

The ASF Team

At 9:12 AM , Blogger planet trans said...

I've been with since 2007 and I haven't had that problem. I was once violated for TOS because of a very critical article about Rep. Barney Frank. That was the reason I opened planetransgenders moon on wordpress. Wordpress has some advantages, but blogger rules because of it's relationship to google.

At 11:25 PM , Anonymous 鄭凱仲念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界 said...

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At 10:32 AM , Blogger The Article Source said...

Hey! Definitely switch over to Wordpress. It's way better for content management and SEO. Check out my site: Sports Passes It is a Wordpress site and it's very easy to use, especially with all of the free plugins.

At 3:33 PM , Anonymous Fundraising Ideas said...

Free Team Fundraising INFO Kit



At 1:08 PM , Blogger Gary said...

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