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Thursday, October 12, 2006

U.S. Dept of the Treasury anti-terrorist financing guidelines: Voluntary best practices for U.S.-based charities

Seems the "War on Dissent" is expanding every day.
"Upon issuance of Executive Order 13224, President George W. Bush directed the U.S. Department of the Treasury to work with other elements of the federal government and the international community to develop a comprehensive and sustained campaign against the sources and conduits of terrorist financing. Investigations have revealed terrorist abuse of charitable organizations, both in the United States and worldwide, to raise and move funds, provide logistical support, encourage terrorist recruitment or otherwise cultivate support for terrorist organizations and operations. This abuse threatens to undermine donor confidence and jeopardizes the integrity of the charitable sector, whose services are indispensable to both national and world communities."
On Charity Governance
"The voluntary best practices look like much of the Bush Administration’s overall approach to the criminal aspects of the War on Terror. The rules are intentionally vague, providing the Administration with maximum flexibility to engage in prosecution while not providing those subject to the rules clear safe harbors to guide their conduct."



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