Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Friday, September 29, 2006

Rick Cohen muses on how to make philanthropy more democratic

This just in via the White Courtesy Telephone. Philanthropy News Digest has posted online an interview with Rick Cohen, former executive director with the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy. Very juicy and definitely worth the read. Here are a few quotes:
"Philanthropy in the United States is still structured around a highly undemocratic dynamic, with few opportunities for the voices of communities, nonprofits, and their constituents to be heard."

"Philanthropy in general doesn't do that much to advance social justice, and by that I mean the serious imbalances in our society that have led to and perpetuated poverty and racism and other maladies in our society."

"The bulk of charitable and philanthropic giving goes to organizations that serve the needs and interests of the classes that are the sources of that giving."

"Foundations have been entrusted by the public to use their resources for the public good. And the public has a right and an opportunity to weigh just how much good they're getting from those dollars."



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