Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Thursday, September 14, 2006

10 + 1 essential program evaluation resources

  1. American Evaluation Association
    Primary professional association for evaluators.

  2. Building Evaluation Capacity
    Evaluation overview with activity examples.

  3. Evaluation Center
    Checklists of evaluation best practices.

  4. Evaluation Toolkit
    Comprehensive site of tools published by W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

  5. Evaluator's Institute
    Short-term professional development courses.

  6. Funder's Guide to Evaluation
    Tools for foundations.

  7. Funder's Guide to Organizational Assessment Tools, Process and Their Uses in Building Capacity.
    Comprehensive overview of organizational capacity assessment.

  8. Logic Model Development Guide
    Packet of tips on creating and using logic models.

  9. Multi-Cultural Evaluation
    Series of reports on multi-cultural health evaluation.

  10. Theory of Change
    Background, technical assistance and training on theories of change.
The above ten resources came from Steven LaFrance's information packed presentation at last Friday's San Francisco Development Executive Roundtable luncheon presentation. If you are interested in improving your chances of getting funded, learning more from your programming efforts, and building the capacity of your agency, run, don't walk, to LaFrance Associates website for more information about their valuable services.



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