Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Link-up of fundraising tips, trends and topics

Make the most from online fundraising
"New email 'change of address' services such as Fresh Address NCOA for Email help nonprofits keep lists updated."

Want to know your values? Follow the money.
"Looking at your spending can be a great way to reflect on what you really want. After looking at where your money goes, do you think it reflects your real values?"

Preparing nonprofit directors for the coming changes in governance
"Some of the proposed changes flow from the implications of Sarbanes-Oxley and published criticism of the sector, and some are 'best practices' designed to strengthen an organization."

To them who have much, more shall be given
"If you have $100,000 to spare, you can avoid all taxes by giving to charity, whereas if you don't make enough money to itemize, your gifts will come from taxable income."

Minutemen leader defers to caging house
"The current President of the Minutemen, Chris Simcox, continues to blame criticism on 'a small handful of disgruntled people who have been terminated.' However, it seems like Alan Keyes may be the one with questions to answer."

Top nonprofit homophobe
"Nonprofit Times includes Roy Williams, head of the Boy Scouts of America, on its list of the top 50 nonprofit leaders in the country ... Hate-monger James Dobson of Focus on the Family is also on the list."



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