Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Oh my gosh, I forgot my birthday!

So it was just one year ago this past July that I started this humble little blog. Big hugs and kisses you who stop by to occasionally read, subscribe or post a comment to these pages! I found this cake just for you, cause your love makes the world go around.

Thought you might be curious to find out which posts have received the most attention over the past year. Here's a top 10 list:
  1. Shift happens: Have you joined the conversation?
  2. The power of many small red envelopes.
  3. A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.
  4. The end of journalism (as you know it).
  5. The gentle art of teaching the joy of giving.
  6. Fundraising for Nonprofit's festive and fiery fourth of July fireworks (and a poem).
  7. Stanford University announces record setting capital campaign.
  8. 5 things to know about direct response response fundraising.
  9. Help the Foundation Center celebrate its 50th birthday.
  10. LonelyGirl15 almost gets it right for poverty campaign.
See a common theme among these posts? No, me neither. But if you'd like to comment on what you like about this blog, and what can be done better, I'd love to hear from you as we move into year two together.



At 12:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Blog

A belated Happy Birthday and a HUGE THANK YOU for continously inspiring us all - one gift at a time :-)

At 7:44 AM , Blogger Gayle said...

Thanks sis, right back at you. Always good to surround yourself with inspiration.

At 4:35 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At 4:47 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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