Fundraising for Nonprofits

Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What do Development Directors Want?

According to the Association of Fundraising Professionals 1 in 2 of you won't last in your current job for even 24 months. If you weren't already concerned about the future of the fundraising profession, perhaps you are now?

So what's an Executive Director to do? Are you having difficulty searching for a new Development Director? Not finding the candidates you hoped for? Are you fortunate enough to have hired a great candidate and want to make sure he or she stays? Concerned that you might have a Development Director who is thinking of leaving?

If so, you’re not alone. Fundraising stars Ruth Herring and Barbara Pierce recently hosted a workshop at CompassPoint addressing this exact topic.

Here's a sampling of what local Development Directors said they needed to be successful in the job. Sound familiar?
  1. Realistic, achievable goals.
  2. Support for Development Director by Executive Director.
  3. A leadership role in the “big picture” planning for agency as member of management team.
  4. Priorities: Opposite of “everything is equally important” approach.
  5. A strong, working Board and direct access to Board members.
  6. Respect for fundraising and donors.
  7. Opportunities for learning, access to experts.
  8. Good employment benefits (retirement, flexibility, etc.).
  9. Opportunity to see the results of their work.
  10. Inspiration by and trust in the Executive Director.
My question is, what do Executive Directors want? It so easy to point our fingers at the Executive Director or at the Board when things get challenging. Yet weren't we hired to manage exactly these types of difficult situations? Would love to hear your thoughts below.

Alternatively, if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, please join me Wednesday, May 16, 3pm - 5pm at the Foundation Center as I facilitate a free FAB workshop on, "Creating the Dream Team: Best Practices for Executive Director and Development Working Relationships."

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At 7:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came across your blog in my search for ways of trying to contact development directors about a great fundraiser. Not wishing to spam your blog or the fundraisers listed, I would greatly appreciate your advice on where I might legitimately advertise to reach this population. I am with a nonprofit called Together We Can Change the World. They have a fundraiser that other nonprofits can participate in. You can find out the details at
I would like to advertise this. suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
S Kleinman


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