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Inspiring Gifts that Transform

Monday, February 12, 2007

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Peggy Rockefeller Dulany, Founder of Synergos Institute, is one of the many thought leaders highlighted in Peter Karoff's recent book, The World We Want. I suspect she'd understand why this little blog is sub-titled "Inspiring Gifts that Transform," when she says:
"I don't think that the whole system is going to shift until there is a transformation of the human heart. That means starting with ourselves and then working outward, in mostly small increments. Mary Oliver, in one of her poems, talks about saving one life you have to save, meaning your own. And she doesn't mean survival; she means self-transformation. So when I start to feel desperate about the entire world, I try to focus on whether it's possible for me to transform anything about myself and how I relate to other people that might make it more likely that other people might work on their own transformations and the way they relate to others. That is what it is going to take really to get to the bottom of this."

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At 5:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't her name be listed as Peggy Dulany Rockefeller if her father was David Rockefeller?


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